I think she was saying it was too late for OT to help with the handwriting issues, but I also noticed every time I said something about sensory integration therapy she didn't say anything, but from the look on her face I got the feeling that she doesn't think it works. I know she thought it was strange that the OT my son had six sessions with only worked on his vestibular and proprioceptive issues. I think there were a lot of things the OT wanted to work with him on but time was limited and she had to prioritize. All I know is that my son's piano teacher thought she could tell a difference when he was doing sensory integration therapy and I also felt it was helping, but insurance won't pay for it.

I talked to someone at the base clinic and they said they will write a referral for physical therapy as soon as I get the doctor's written report. I think having the diagnosis on paper will help us finally get the physical therapy he needs. I am hoping they can help him get to a point where walking doesn't make his legs, ankles and feet hurt as much. It is has been so hard getting him to walk longer distances when it hurts. Someone on another message board who has mild CP and some similar issues told me to ask about gait training because my son's feet don't always point straight ahead when he walks. She said it helped her with pain and endurance issues. I am so frustrated that I have had to find information on the internet in order to get help for my son.

I am sure my son does need to improve his core strength. He complains about not having back support when he is at piano lessons and at home when he practices.

I don't think the public school is really an option. I have to find another way to educate my son. I will have to try to find classes for him in a city 30 miles away and I will have to work this around helping my parents. There is a state university about 40 miles away that he could transfer to later on that does accept CLEP for lower level courses. Other homeschoolers have done this instead of having their kids take high school level classes. But it doesn't solve the problem of learning to learn in a group situation and the musical theater class is not a substitute for this. The teacher doesn't allow much talking. I have tried to find discussion groups and the closest ones I have found so far are about a 45 minute drive. I talked to one of my son's friends about starting a book discussion group or history at our house and he said he wouldn't be interested and he didn't think any of his other friends would be either. He also told me that there were no academic clubs at the middle school.
He said at that school you have two choices. You can be bored or you can do sports. My son can't do sports and there are no kids like my son anywhere near us.