Thanks for the responses. It is a really strange situation. We decided to focus on screaming and spitting. For now we are ignoring the silly talk, other than reminding him to use words when he carries on (it's quite annoying because my 2yo DD talks great and he does baby talk stuff that she mimics). Oddly enough he has done none of it today (we are home from vacation today). It really isn't just silly talk, it is more than that. It is quite loud and carries on for a while. It is usually when he is antsy or excited (maybe even sensory overloaded) from what I can tell (or just wants attention). The screaming is new and quite annoying. Spitting I don't think he even realizes it sometimes, and others he thinks it is just funny. This morning I explained that it's got to stop and that every time he spits or yells about something he loses 10 minutes of computer time. (He usually gets about an hour a day if we are home all day). I explained that great days may even earn him more time. And if he has used all his time then I will take away TV (he usually only watches one or two shows a day). He loves computer though so I am thinking this will help. He yelled once today about something and I told him he lost 10. Later he did the spit thing once and I told him lost 10. I asked if spitting was worth losing 10 minutes of computer time and he said politely that actually it was. He is something. He has been wonderful today though. I wonder if some if had to do with school ending, things changing by being home all day now and not seeing grandparents quite as much (he stays with them while I work and I am off for the summer). I am hoping it settles down soon because he is really a great kid. If he could keep up like he is today....I would have no complaints. I am trying not to be too anxious about school. He has just never been around that many kids with only one teacher. I can't imagine how this will work. But I am hopeful.