My DS7 has always gone through life making up his own soundtrack and sound effects--I think the only time he is silent at home is when he is engaged in something that is producing sound FOR him, or when he is reading a book. This has included nonsense syllables, baby talk (my personal "favorite" crazy)and pretty much any other sound you can imagine. It hasn't slowed down friendships any, and in fact I hear quite a bit of the same from his friends. I recall my DD and her friends also going through a baby talk phase in K and 1. As to the DS has a pretty quick temper as well. However in 2 years of school, he has only ever yelled in school on one occasion (after which he burst into tears and sobbed for 20 minutes frown ). I had anticipated daily phone calls from school--we consider our DS to be a force of nature wink. He is strong willed, has difficult leaving an activity he is engaged in, and then of course there is the constant noisemaking.... His behavior at school is impeccable however. I think that kids can be very different at home and at school. My suggestion would be not to worry too much at this point. Until he is actually in school, there is no way to know how he'll act there. In the meantime, if you are wanting to start shaping behavior, you might respond to concerning behavior as a "coach", using comments like, "When you get to school in the fall, you'll find that students are expected to communicate in a quiet voice. Let's try that again".