So DS is 4, he will be 5 in a couple weeks though. He has had the craziest behaviors the last month or so and I am unsure what is going on or what to do about it. I wish I could describe it. The biggest thing he does is he makes strange sounds and noises and says silly noises a lot, and will spit (usually as part of the noises). As in baba laba shaba (spit spit). It usually is just kind of sticking his tongue out and making a sound. But there are days where this goes on all almost seems like an impulse he can't control. But it hasn't been like this before so I am confused. He does tend to hum while he does things, but that doesn't bother me (although it may be an issue in school). He also has been screaming constantly pretty much every time he doesn't get his way. Like if I ask him to go to the bathroom he wines and says he doesn't need to and if I continue calmly and tell him to go he will let out a blood curling scream or yell "I don't need to". It is seriously driving us insane...and I am worried to death about school. Now he does these dumb behaviors with kids his age and even older, in fact it seems like he does it a lot more around his peers or his 2yo sister. Not much one on one with us at all. I just can't put my finger on it and I want it to end shortly because he is a PG kid that is skipping K and going straight to first. I don't want the to say this isn't a good move for him because he is socially immature or something. He hasn't always been like this and I don't know what is going on or how to end it. Any ideas? anyone been through anything remotely similar with their children?