
Yes, our school district does have a GT program, but it doesn't start until 3rd grade and it appears to be more enrichment based.

I, like you, am a newbie to all this. My son is only 5, and he will be starting K in the fall (although we requested a grade skip to 1st, but in our district they have to start in K and are assessed after about a month to see if they should move up to first, so that is what will be happening to my son - start in K and hopefully move up to first grade). At this point, we don't do anything "special" with him in terms of workbooks or anything, but I do give him a "math question of the day", which he enjoys doing over breakfast. Plus, we provide him with LOTS of books from the library - he loves reading.

I really connected with your original post and responses because I feel that your son and my son may be similar. My son will not do his best or even refuse to do some things that are not interesting to him (in pre-K!). He is very asynchronous, so socially he either misses social cues or decides to ignore them - I haven't figured it out yet. I know we have a LOT of work ahead of us advocating. I don't know if I can be of much help since I'm still trying to figure all this out as well, but I can tell you a few things I'm reading which may be useful to you.

First off, I am in the middle of reading "Re-Forming Gifted Education: How Parents and Teachers Can Match the Program to the Child" by Karen Rogers. This is an excellent book which may give you some ideas to approach the school with (e.g., subject acceleration for your son may be useful). I am also in the middle of reading a book that was recommended by the psychologist who tested my son. It's called "Raise Your Child's Social IQ" by Cathi Cohen. It's a very easy read and gives step-by-step suggestions for how to help increase your child's social skills.

Would it be possible to try and apply for DYS using a portfolio? (see It seems that your son's achievement scores are extremely high. If the ability scores are only a few points off, maybe doing a portfolio would help. You could always call Davidson and ask them what they think.

I hope this helps!