Thought I'd let you know what we've been up to lately, now that summer is upon us.
We've been to zoo camp for a week. DD had a great time, because it was fun, but she was frustrated some of the time because all she ahd to do to answer the counselor's questions was to read the sign she was standing near. wink (She told the counselor that all the answers were there, but she was the only one who could read the signs!)
We've also recently found out she's been accepted to Univ. of Northern Colorado's Young Child Summer Enrichment Program. Has anyone ever done this with their kid before?
Otherwise we've been going to the pool, the park and horse riding lessons. We have also been learning about astronomy, bugs and doing math games.
We spend a morning with a ladybug, another with a turtle (both visitors to our yard), and another doing a math treasure hunt complete with a barbie doll as a "treasure". (I could have done without that particular treasure, but when it's been given to her by Grandma, what can you do?)
We haven't gotten to starting the alphabet photos yet, but I think we'll do that soon.
What have the rest of you been up to?