Thank you!! I haven't been able to speak about it much since we decided to keep it in the family. But, yes, I have found him & he is a wonderful child. We already knew he was gifted, but worried he would never reach his full potential because he had so much trouble with his fear of failure, and his controlling, difficult behavior.

Your son sounds just like mine. Good luck with going off the meds. I have a son who I never knew existed & now I can't wait to see him after school, etc. Before, I would have to emotionally prep myself for a battle that I knew we would have before even reaching home.

It's not for every child, but exactly what he needed to thrive & be happy.

Keep me posted with how it goes. I am dreading the possibility that going off the meds in a year or so will mean the old behavior & anxious thoughts will return. I would like to hear how your son does.

Good Luck!!!