My DS& has been seeing a therapist for his difficult behavior. He was diagnosed with mild OCD, which we were already aware of, but this is the 1st "professional" to confirm. We worked on behavior modification for months, with no improvements, or temporary improvements. Therapist is leaning towards a chemical imbalance. Chemical imbalance/OCD is strong on my hubbys side, so not so far fetched.

My question...

Talk of medication was brought up last visit. We are discussing it. DS& is VERY gifted, as well as VERY difficult. He is always anxious, worried or beating himself up for not being perfect. He just is not being a kid. He has always seemed a bit tormented about things. He has never experienced trauma or anything that would cause this.

I was told the med would be taken for 1 yr only & would train the brain to produce the proper amount of seratonin. After 1 yr, he would never have to take it again & would lead a more productive life.

I, honestly, am ALL for it. I want him happy, & if he is suffering inside, I want it to stop. The people on my hubbys side with OCD are very low functioning, although very smart. I want more for my son. He has unlimited potential, but this is a roadblock that could stop him from acheiving all he is capable of.

If you have had any experiences with ssri's, please let me know what success you have had. I am leaning that way.

Thanks so much. This has been difficult for us.