Im not sure where to post this but since this is the most active forum I thought I'd give it a shot here.

Do any of your kids have stomach issues? Im speaking more of anxiety related issues than true physical ones.

My dd7 has always had a sensitive stomach but lately its been in overdrive. She has gone to the nurse at least twice a week, sometimes more, for several weeks now complaining of a tummy ache. I have talked with her pediatrician about it. She has no digestional problems, heartburn or problems with her bowels. She internalizes a lot of her concerns and it typically manifests itself into a stomach ache.

Today she went to the nurse again...20min before the end of school. I finally sat her down and asked her what was going on. (We'd had this conversation before but it never went past her tummy just hurting). I told her that I thought there was more to her tummy aches so I needed to know if anything was bothering her. She ended up saying that someone was really mean to her friend and that it made her upset and that some boys pushed her in line etc. Was this the power of suggestion or truly the cause of her tummy ache? She went on about this one little girl who is really mean to everyone and how much it really bothers her.

So after our conversation (at school in the car) we drove home. I had told her different ways to handle whats been upsetting her and she seemed better. We get home...and she's totally fine. No more complaining of her tummy hurting or anything. She's literally "cured".

I know its common for kids like her to internalize their worries, concerns etc. But if any of you have had to deal with this...well, how did you? Any advice here is appreciated.

Oh, and just a side note; this is new for her. She has never been afraid of anyone, child or adult. She has always been very confidant and never has been affected by kids acting mean etc. She's never been intimidated by anyone so this is all quite confusing for me. ugh.

Thanks in advance, ladies. Im part venting and part searching for answers!