Thanks so much everyone. I put in a call to her pediatrician to discuss further testing to see if anything is really going on with her stomach. Hopefully she calls me back today.

Its really frustrating because I just cant figure out a cause. Ive watched the foods she's eaten and I see no association with any food in particular. Her tummy aches seem rather random. BUT I dont want to dismiss it as just anxiety. DD has always been a worrier to the point of tummy aches but I am baffled by this recent increase. She's never had this many this often. That bothers me more than anything. I do think, to a certain extent, that her tummy aches are brought on more often by worry/concern/overload than a true physical cause. I could be totally wrong, though, so I need to make sure. I just want her to feel better. Ugh.

I'll keep you all posted on what her ped says. Im guessing that eliminating certain foods to "test" her reaction will be the next step. We'll see.

It is interesting to see that this is actually a common complaint amongst the GT crowd. hmmm.