
I don't know if you can really be sure at 9 yrs old if his lack of output is lack of interest or an LD. I am sure that asking someone (especially at 9)to repeat math pages is not teaching, it is punishment. I'm not sure that I would do the pages again and I have great writing skills and a very mature brain!

My DS11 had some similar behavour patterns to yours; good mental math, avoiding written math, great reading skills, loves history, very low coding score on test taken when he was 9. At that time he was diagnosed with dysgraphia, which was confusing to me because he can write well when he "chooses" to.

Now two years later I realize that this "choice" involves choosing to do something very difficult for him - and the amount of mental energy that has to go into the writing makes it difficult for him to stay with the thoughts he wants to write down. Some of the best discriptions of what dysgraphia is like, especially related to giftedness, I have found in materials put out by the Eide Clinic. Their book also has a section on dysgraphia.

So, I guess I'm saying I would watch for that, but it sounds like what he's up against right now could be environmental (some might say developmental though I think the environment should be made to match the development of a 9 year old). My son is rather immature for his age and I know sometimes at 8-10 years old the teachers expected his maturity to match his cognitive skills and when it didn't, they got irritable.

You boy sounds great! My suggestion is enjoy his fun sense of humor and get him to a place where learning is interesting and fun. Then see what he does.

All the best!

