My DS6 has SPD. He was diagnosed with AD/HD but I can see now that the diagnosis was totally and completely wrong and he's currently undergoing OT based on Brain Gym. Anyhoo, what I'm beginning to believe is that SPD = OE. Same thing; different name. In fact, the head of the private OT gym that we're going to has stated about 8 times that ALL of the kids coming through there are brilliant. She says that she doesn't know why it's so but she said, "I truly believe that the kids in here [with the underdeveloped pons and midbrains] are the ones who are going to change the world."

I've noticed that there's a theme among the kids with early development. For instance, my son was waaaaay ahead on the development scale. It was bizarre to see such a little baby doing the things that he could do. The flip side was that his cortex was actually preventing him from allowing his lower brain to develop. Why crawl when I can hold two things while bipedal? Why cry when I can my bizarrely advanced fine motor skills to unhook my mother's bra? And, my personal favorite, Why sleep when I have so much to learn? LOL!