I would guess that your daughter is definitly "gifted enough" but that until her LD's are accomidatable it will be hard to really know. Have your professional helpers been useful at all?

I will say that once she get to be 10 or so you can start having her take the SATs or ACTs. I do reccomend introducing her to learn to type software. I really believe that our LD/gifted have very unique contributions to make because they see the world so uniquely. Obviously building Character is key, and I think that you are doing just that as you are helping her know herself.

I wonder if she could be excused from group work, or placed with children who can handle her? the EPGY is a very good thing. Would the school try a suject acceleration, particularly in a subject that requires group work?

As for finding a peer group, have you contacted your state gifted association? Or does she have any interests that have Adult hobbyist groups, such as weather, geology or reptiles? It seems to me that her peers may be folks with similar interests who are much older, even adult, and that encouraging her in her areas of strength is going to be very important.

Best Wishes,

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