my own father was profoundly gifted and i have a son who was diagnosed PDD-NOS and we suspect now may also be proufoundly gifted. While some have said to me, after i describe my father, that he may have been just doesn't fit. Though he had pooor social skills and some other qualities that were eceentric.. he was not disabled.. had friends and interests..functioned within the world..etc. I think there is a "fine line" but in the end its whether a person can be independent and functioning to a level that makes them happy with themselves - as my father definitely was very ok with himself- that ultimately distingusihes a person as either having a spectrum disability or simply the quirks of personality that may go with being profoundly gifted. Kind of like when you try to figure out if you have the blues or if you're clinically despressed- how much is it interfering with your life? can you function? etc..