Originally Posted by La Texican
Somebody I knew made a tasteless joke one time that if I was any smarter I would have been autistic. � �I had never heard of Aspbergers at that time. �I know I fit well into some situations better than others in life. �I have learned to chose my surroundings and friends wisely. �I do not consider myself ASD but obviously have some of the same traits where there's an overlap. �I'm just curious and appreciative of this chance to ask questions. �Thanks.

Autism and IQ do not correlate. You can have autism and a very low IQ, or a very high IQ. The low IQ and severe language delays would usually produce a diagnosis of "classic" autism; no language delay and it's usually Asperger's.

I like the quote Melmich posted earlier in this thread: severe social difficulties are not a normal part of being gifted, and should be evaluated.
