I have a highly gifted son who has friends,regular speech patterns. He has trouble with low frustration tolerance ( average processing speed + highly gifted) and often will try to mask his true emotions with anger. He'd rather not be seen crying and feels anger is the solution.He is also very much of a perfectionist and will often refuse to try things than risk failure.

We have found that Dr.s and others have very little knowledge of the intensities and characteristics of the highly gifted. Read Dobrowski's theory of intensities of the highly gifted.

A child who is highly gifted and has social skills issues is not Aspergers. Read the Misdiagnosis book... a real eye opener. A child who maintains friends, gets invited to multiple parties,and is very concerned with what others may think of him is not Aspergers.

It seems there has not been much research into kids who are above regular gifted and more in the genius to profoundly gifted range. The more gifted the more intense the characteristics. These kids need understanding not labels.