Wow! 3 years old - what a thing to deal with frown
Thanks masterofnone, glad to hear it is something we can get better at recognizing. The smiling is a big clue, but in retrospect. I had noticed his class picture last spring, no smile - thought it was just a boy thing. Still in other pictures his smile is forced looking, so I guess this is something to look for.

I was just reflecting on how completely missed the symptoms were in my brother's case 20+ years back, until it was a full blown crisis so, yes, I definitely feel lucky to be discovering this early.

Inky, I think you probably noticed I posted earlier on the thread about sensitivities, which is something I think ds definitely has, but I think "filing" some of his concerns and questions and moods under 'oe' or 'extra sensitive guy' may have caused me to miss some more obvious signs and in trying to negotiate what seem like overblown reactions, I have overlooked the possibility (fact) that he really does feel just as bad as he says he feels. frown

I am trying not to beat myself up, though I had a pretty rough weekend. Last thing anyone needs around here is a mopey mom. smile