I have no experience personally with Waldorf schools, but my best friends are very much committed to Waldorf-- they have a 7-yr-old and a 5-yr-old who are absolutely thriving, and I'm sure the kids are gifted-- their father is a prominent playwright, and their mother is a professor.

They are great kids. The 7-yr-old is now doing drawings that amaze me-- truly amaze me. The mother has even found a few naked lady drawings in his notebook. And they're pretty good!

That said, they are not gifted in the way my son is gifted-- the way that demands attention and accommodation.

Or perhaps it's just my son's hypersensitivity that causes problems. I thought he needed structure and acceleration to keep from going off the rails.

So I chose your option #2, but it's not going that well.

My friends have always insisted that all my son's issues could be resolved by Waldorf schooling. They do seem a bit overzealous to me at times.

I do think Waldorf is a great gift to give your children, in this overstimulating age.