I'm in Silicon Valley too. My kids go to Chrysallis Elementary (San Jose), which is extremely small but reasonably open-minded. My DS9 does 6th grade math there, for example.

My eldest will go to the School of Choice (Sunnyvale/Santa Clara border) this fall (middle/high school combined). As he hasn't started there yet, I can't give much detail, but their stated philosophy is to provide an individualized education for each student. S of C is a lot bigger than Chrysallis but still small. It aims at gifted kids. The web site has a lot of information.

Chyrsallis is excellent value at around 8K per year and School of Choice isn't much more at 12K per year. These are both well below the fees at Neuva and Harker. Harker does have incredible facilities, though, I'll say that.

Chyrsallis might still have a couple open K or 1 slots for next year (I'm hoping they'll let DD4 skip K and go to grade 1).
