I don't live in the valley, but know that places that attract smart adults very often have schools full of 'above average' kids and more than their share of gifted kids.

135 is definitly gifted by almost anyone's definition, except perhaps mine...

I define gifted as having an IQ which is so different from the local average, that a child is unlikely to get their educational needs met in a regular classroom.

So, I think you will have to 'wait and see' if the schools 'public or private' actually fit your daughter. The best, best, best way is to set quietly in the various possible classrooms and see if you can picture your daughter getting her learning needs met in that particular classroom. Look around the room at what the other kids have produced. Check out the text books. Check out the 'pleasure reading shelf.' What unspoken messages are being given in that particular room?

Good luck!

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