Welcome DawnKO!

I just wanted to pipe in to say that just because your public school may not have any official gifted program until 4th, don't write them off just yet. Sometimes even the official gifted programs aren't really enough, but there are other options such as acceleration (whole grade or class) and differentiation that might help, even without an "official" policy. Although our DS5 is not yet in public school (slated for kindy in the fall), our school has no official GT programming until 3rd. However, we first approached the school's gifted coordinator (for the higher grades) with IQ test results showing HG+ (highly gifted +), and the school then decided to give him achievement testing. The gifted coordinator was a great liaison between us and the principal. The principal is now hand picking a kindergarten teacher she thinks would be a good fit, and they will offer differentiation for DS in the areas he's advanced.

I think flexibility in any school is really key for GT kids.