Welcome littlewisestone and wendy!

I was really struck by your sister's comments, wisetone. Is she very competitive with you? I'm sorry she can't be supportive of you and help you out, especially if she's been through something like this.

What a remarkable little DD you have!

I offer no advice, but I can say we just found a play-based daycare for 3.5-5.5 year olds that accepted my 28 m.o. DD. She is learning to be with others and has some access to the material the 5 year olds are working on. However, she is not there to learn facts and figgers so much as she is there to learn to "be" with others and run off energy. I can still work on her self directed learning pace at home. I arrived at this decision with a lot of insight from this site.

All the best to you and your DD!