We are in the process of a 3 yr skip for our DS6. It has been torture in spite of great support from everyone. I constantly question "what happens later" when he's 10 and a freshman.

But I think you have to worry about the now and save the rest for later. I'm trying to just think about today and not drive myself off the brink looking any further. My son demands stimulation and is very vocal in his displeasure when he's bored or "doing baby stuff". I feel sorry for his teachers as i'm sure he tortures them with non stop questions and demands.

Whatever choice you make, it'll be the right one because your not jumping in blind. Doing your homework, asking opinions from people on here that have been through it on both sides and knowing your son better than anyone else means that in the end you'll come to the right answer.

Mom to DS 10, DS 11, DS 13
Ability doesn't make us, Choices do!