Originally Posted by bronxmom
My son at age 4 scored significantly higher on the WPPSI than on the SB-V. I have always assumed this is because he is much more gifted verbally than mathematically.

I've heard lots of people say that, all else being equal, the SB-V is supposed to be good for mathy kids. Can anyone say why? In particular, do the non-verbal subtests actually include math questions, or are they just the kinds of non-math questions that a mathy kid might be good at? I guess I'm asking because it would seem odd to me if there were actual math questions on an IQ test, but it also seems odd to me to think that there are non-math questions that mathy kids in general are good at. (Logic questions, for example, seem to me to be a different kind of thing than math questions, and talent for one doesn't generally indicate talent for the other.)

It's mostly any idle question, but I really would be interested to know the answer. I'm fascinated by what exactly people think they're measuring in IQ tests.