First I tried botanical drops and garlic (good on toast, not your breath). Then I went to a holistic medical practice in Atlanta and did an EDTA IV. That got old, took too much time (3 hours with the IV, plus 2 hour drive-time twice a week). Then I discovered my favorite, which is a liquid zeolite. Works really good and is easy to take. My kids use it too. I can tell when I need to start taking the zeolite again, because I start to become a "space case". Recently I was exposed to some serious car fumes and immediately noticed all the symptoms of mercury poisoning coming back. Scary! At the age of 40 I started to get symptoms of fibromyalgia, Alzheimer's, a lot of joint pain, and my hair was falling out (a hand full with every shower). I knew something wasn't right with my body. After talking to the receptionist at a dentist office, I discovered the cause, which was the mercury in my fillings and immunizations I had gotten over the years. I quickly got on the Internet, did my research, and the rest is history. Now my new problem is dealing with the fact that I'm not weird, just gifted. grin