Welcome back to having a brain!!

I was told by a friend of ours that trained gifted teachers that I was gifted. (Well, acutally she told my husband - and he figured she had enough experience to know.) I had only ever tested my own IQ casually in a Sunday Telegraph Magazine article/do it yourself fashion. I think it was 169 - and it was when my mind was very active as I'd been studying for exams at 16 - which are a big deal abroad. However, I was terrible at general arithmetic - still am (!) ....so I never took myself that seriously.

By the time I reached college, I had chronic fatigue, then mononucelosis and chronic fatigue, then fibromyalgia. My mind went mushy, I didn't want to read a single book after graduation (especially as I had studied English Lit). After a couple of years of "messing around" semi -working/temping and getting married, and moving and finally finding full time work - I just wanted to have fun and go to lunches and finally had some money.

Then I got pregnant - more mind mush (MOM = MIND OF MUSH right?) followed by sleep deprivation, followed by parent dying of cancer...MORE STRESS - more mind of mush!!

The more I find out about giftedness, and stress - the more I think maybe I was/am gifted, never challenged enough at school, not challenged enough now (well, except as MOM) - way too accommodating at school, flexible in general, don't really see the point to it all in this world ..very negative I know etc.

Think maybe I'm still suffering from the whole "John Adams" quote from this morning's other post - what's the point of it - when you have to work and have a job - hard to reconcile following a true passion / learning if it doesn't match your day job. YET - so nice to have a general education and a trade/education that allows you to do a job.

I do experience more and more mind-opening and ENERGY the more detoxing I do! My detox is more of a general nature - ...eat healthy, switch to organic foods where possible, get exercise (finally! ..you never want to exercise when sleep deprived, or fatigued). And last summer - I finally went ot the library - and started checking out books - real books - and it's what - over 10 yrs since graduation. Before that - I had dared open one or 2 trashy romance novels on dark rainy lunch breaks - just because they were the only thing in the lunch room!

Little parts of the "old me" finally re-emerging - for YOU I am happy if you are feeling that way!! Celebrate!!