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Posted By: LilyBee Heavy metal poisoning and giftedness - 04/13/09 07:09 PM
After discovering I had mercury poisoning ("silver" tooth fillings are 50% mercury) and being detoxed, I realized I was smarter than most people. Just recently, after discovering my son's giftedness, I became aware of my own giftedness. For a moment the world made sense, but now my head is spinning...due to this unveiling.

Anyway, what I would like to know is, has anyone else experienced this "opening of the mind" after detoxing? Also, if you know of anyone who has lost their giftedness, it could be due to heavy metal poisoning. It happened to Thomas Edison...
Posted By: IronMom Re: Heavy metal poisoning and giftedness - 04/16/09 02:19 PM
Welcome back to having a brain!!

I was told by a friend of ours that trained gifted teachers that I was gifted. (Well, acutally she told my husband - and he figured she had enough experience to know.) I had only ever tested my own IQ casually in a Sunday Telegraph Magazine article/do it yourself fashion. I think it was 169 - and it was when my mind was very active as I'd been studying for exams at 16 - which are a big deal abroad. However, I was terrible at general arithmetic - still am (!) I never took myself that seriously.

By the time I reached college, I had chronic fatigue, then mononucelosis and chronic fatigue, then fibromyalgia. My mind went mushy, I didn't want to read a single book after graduation (especially as I had studied English Lit). After a couple of years of "messing around" semi -working/temping and getting married, and moving and finally finding full time work - I just wanted to have fun and go to lunches and finally had some money.

Then I got pregnant - more mind mush (MOM = MIND OF MUSH right?) followed by sleep deprivation, followed by parent dying of cancer...MORE STRESS - more mind of mush!!

The more I find out about giftedness, and stress - the more I think maybe I was/am gifted, never challenged enough at school, not challenged enough now (well, except as MOM) - way too accommodating at school, flexible in general, don't really see the point to it all in this world ..very negative I know etc.

Think maybe I'm still suffering from the whole "John Adams" quote from this morning's other post - what's the point of it - when you have to work and have a job - hard to reconcile following a true passion / learning if it doesn't match your day job. YET - so nice to have a general education and a trade/education that allows you to do a job.

I do experience more and more mind-opening and ENERGY the more detoxing I do! My detox is more of a general nature - healthy, switch to organic foods where possible, get exercise (finally! never want to exercise when sleep deprived, or fatigued). And last summer - I finally went ot the library - and started checking out books - real books - and it's what - over 10 yrs since graduation. Before that - I had dared open one or 2 trashy romance novels on dark rainy lunch breaks - just because they were the only thing in the lunch room!

Little parts of the "old me" finally re-emerging - for YOU I am happy if you are feeling that way!! Celebrate!!
Posted By: chris1234 Re: Heavy metal poisoning and giftedness - 04/16/09 11:38 PM
Welcome! No de-tox story here, but yes, getting more comfortable with my giftedness has definitely been one good result of trying to figure out the kiddoes. I think the late 20's/30's are just a rush of child rearing for a lot of people, hitting it hard at the job, etc., you don't spend the time you used to just exploring the world of ideas.
It's nice to begin to think in terms of learning again, even if it starts because you are working up an after-schooling program for your stealth-mathy kid... or something like that wink
How did you detox, LilyBee?
Posted By: BigBadWool Re: Heavy metal poisoning and giftedness - 04/17/09 01:41 AM
That is so funny, when I read your title I was going to say something about raw food etc. There is a really good blog of a mom who is working her son through his autism/heavy metals through raw food.
Posted By: LilyBee Re: Heavy metal poisoning and giftedness - 04/17/09 02:46 AM
First I tried botanical drops and garlic (good on toast, not your breath). Then I went to a holistic medical practice in Atlanta and did an EDTA IV. That got old, took too much time (3 hours with the IV, plus 2 hour drive-time twice a week). Then I discovered my favorite, which is a liquid zeolite. Works really good and is easy to take. My kids use it too. I can tell when I need to start taking the zeolite again, because I start to become a "space case". Recently I was exposed to some serious car fumes and immediately noticed all the symptoms of mercury poisoning coming back. Scary! At the age of 40 I started to get symptoms of fibromyalgia, Alzheimer's, a lot of joint pain, and my hair was falling out (a hand full with every shower). I knew something wasn't right with my body. After talking to the receptionist at a dentist office, I discovered the cause, which was the mercury in my fillings and immunizations I had gotten over the years. I quickly got on the Internet, did my research, and the rest is history. Now my new problem is dealing with the fact that I'm not weird, just gifted. grin
Posted By: LilyBee Re: Heavy metal poisoning and giftedness - 04/17/09 02:48 AM
It is good to have a brain again, IronMom. Thank you. smile
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