My son is a freshman in high school this year. Last year I started to advocate for him (trying to advance him) but he insisted that I leave his schedule alone. He wanted to be a "normal" HS freshman, on the honors track.

Almost a semester into it, he has determined that it is a bore. He thinks he should have been in Geometry rather than Alg 2 since it's all repeat of his honors Alg 1, and Honors English 9 is painful to him. I don't think I can help him this far into the semester with the Geometry problem. I've asked his gifted counselor if he could switch to Honors Eng 10 next semester instead of waiting till next year, but she said NO. So today I'm trying one more time with the principal.

DS has asked to take online classes to graduate early, which I think is backwards because the "meaty" AP classes are really offered to jrs/srs. Regardless, he wants me to enroll him in the AP Literature/comp course online.

I feel like I made a mistake listening to DS's initial request to leave everything alone (Trinity advised me "Parents Do know better") and I worry that I've lost him up to a year of valuable education. How does one recover from such mistakes? I've offered homeschooling and even fancy prep school matriculation, but again, DS resists. Should I make him live with him "normal" freshman year that he wanted to begin with? Maybe go ahead with the AP course? Any suggestions?