My blood pressure is going up just trying to get an appointment with the developmental pediatrician. They say they still haven't received the referral, our insurance people say they already faxed it three times. We checked fax numbers and I can't figure out what the problem is. They also want my son's primary care physician (pediatrician) to fill out another form before they can make the appointment and she is out for two weeks and nobody else can do it. Every time I think we are getting close to getting an appointment, they ask for something else. It has only been two months now, maybe in a couple of months we can finally get an appointment.

The regular pediatrician doesn't seem to know very much about motor dyspraxia and hypotonia so she can't help us and like my son says, she gives us the same "cliche advice" meant for average kids and he is not the average kid. We might be able to get a referral for a neurologist if the developmental pediatrician recommends it--if my son ever gets to see him. I am hoping this developmental pediatrician at a university child study center will know more about motor dyspraxia and sensory issues and hypotonia and be a little more helpful than other doctors we have seen.

If I could just find answers, and feel like we there is help available when we need it without waiting for months, and get some kind of assurance that the doctors we see are well trained and experienced, then I would have less anxiety. I don't know how they would be able to treat this kind of anxiety without giving me help for the problems that are causing it.