DS4 is a PG kid that has an insatiable desire to learn things, as I would assume that most of our children that we post about on this board do. I would like to challenge him as he always wants to learn more, but I do not want to teach things that I shouldn't be teaching him that school will be teaching him. In fact I am afraid if I got certain books on math that I may teach him the wrong way and that then he will get in trouble for doing it "wrong" Maybe I shouldn't worry about that at all, I don't know. DS4 already does multiplication, division, has concepts of fractions, etc (I could go on and on but it would really bore you)...he has learned all this pretty much on his own. I have never sat down to teach him anything really (except manners and social skills..I will take credit for that). So now I feel like he needs more and am not sure what my limits are. He is so into Math and the psych that tested him mentioned that I should expose him to more things in Math since he really gets it and loves it. But would getting workbooks and things like that be a good or bad idea. He does play lots of math games and things on-line and does lots of different puzzles (like Soduko), etc.

Any thoughts on this, any suggestions?