Originally Posted by Mia
I still feel like the lazy parent for not sticking with the advocacy. Who knows -- maybe in first grade the attitude of the teachers and principals would have suddenly blossomed into deep understanding of the needs of PG kids. (Hee hee!) I feel like I took the easy way out by moving him to private! And now we have to wait for financial aid decisions, which is a giant nail-biter ... there's no way he's staying there without a hefty helping of financial aid, which is nerve-wracking.

I hear you. I have the same self-doubt and feelings of wimping out.

But is your solution working? Yes it is! laugh Ours is, too!

If so, then I think you and I both have to let go of the "What if." Who cares if another path *might* have worked? Given what you saw at the time, the path you were on was NOT working, and you made the best call you could given what you knew. I saw you making it, and I know that you thought it through, didn't take the decision lightly, etc. We did the same thing.

Actually, I suspect that our torturing ourselves with what might have been is another form of mourning for what was never to be--the public education we had envisioned for our kids, but never got for them.

So this is a long way of saying that "you done good," and that I think you shouldn't second-guess yourself. wink
