Wow, Dottie, thanks so much for your rapid scoring! You are amazing!

Hmmm ... I'm assuming those subtest points would accumulate for each index, scatter or no scatter (and with the disability factored in, I can absolutely promise you subtest scatter, despite the fact I wasn't given subtest scores).

I guess it appears my son did jump that hurdle a full year before we knew. Maybe we weren't supposed to know yet :-) Maybe we needed time to focus on disability remediation, and deal with the HG+ thing later. Perhaps I'd have been so dazed by the information I'd have walked in front of a bus or something! As it is, it has taken nearly a year for the whole magnitude of it to sink in. We've suspected this for years, but getting the actual data proof can be overwhelming. I guess I'm in the right place on this forum :-)

Again, my sincere thanks!
