How funny Kriston. My DS4 tells similar jokes. I really ought to start writing them down. He started them at 2...they literally made no sense then. Now they are starting to make a little more sense and can play on words more.

That's cool dazed and confused about the interest in critters outside. (although I must say that ticks gross me out). We plan to do some camping this spring and summer. Both of mine like the outdoors a lot, but we haven't done any camping with them yet and I really miss it. I am looking forward to it.

This morning in the car he was humming along with classical music. He says to me "do you know how I can sing two notes that are the same note at the same time?" I said no. He says "it's easy, because they are the same note, so I just sing one note like this, but a little louder..." and proceeds to hum a note. He keeps things interesting.