My kids are always asking questions about how/when earth was created, and who were the 1st humans, etc. I personally believe in evolution, but we teach our kids all the different theories. This was yesterdays conversation:

DDnew5: "Where did humans come from, mommy?"
Me: "We came from monkeys, it's called evolution."
DS7: "Some people believe we came from Jack and Jill."

LOL!! He meant Adam and Eve. I guess with need a Christianity refresher.

And last night DD5 and I made a quick trip to the library. The radio was on, and she was asking tons of questions about that. 1. Is that person, a real person 2. Are they singing right now? 3. What is a CD? 4. How do they get the music on the CD? 5. How does the CD get on the radio? and on, and on, and on......LOL