Originally Posted by chenchuan
High school time will be very busy even for those who breeze through elementary and middle school. Honor/AP classes alone would consume a large amount of time. Then you have ECs and community services, the time for their friends, etc. It is a time to make tough decisions and life is all about choices.

I would suggest that your kid take the hardest classes that she can manage (maintain mostly A). On top of that, one sport activity and one art/music/band activity would be nice. A couple of academic related activities such as speech/debate, math club, writing competitions, science fair, academic decathlon, etc. would be helpful too. Then she also needs something for community service/leadership.

There is very little point doing many small things. But rather focus on a few thing that she really enjoy and do well on them. Colleges like to see commitments. So choose something she can do for multiple years.