DH and I promised one another that we would never tell our kids that they can be whatever they want to be. Maybe it was true, but it was still scary and useless to both of us. It gives a kid nothing to go on, no help with decision-making.

We plan to talk in specifics, giving a lot more guidance to our kids than we ever got.

But with that said, childhood is THE time to explore lots of potential paths. It's good that she has lots of interests. Some may become part of her career, some may become hobbies, and some may burn themselves out and fall away from her life.

I guess what I'm saying is that I think she's still young enough that it's okay if she has lots of ideas about what she wants to be. I would think that it's time to start talking with her about long-term goals so that she has some direction. Not every interest should be/can be actively pursued (unless she's going to be a life-long student). But having wildly varied interests is healthy and normal for a GT kid.

I have a friend from childhood who is a theater engineer. He created a totally individualized major for himself and built a very successful career out of it. Disparate interests sometimes work well together in unexpected ways. Just don't let her flounder around without career guidance, as happened with DH and me. My friend was very driven. I was not.

