We vigilantly followed all due-process guidelines to no avail. This included meetings with the teacher, principle, superintendent and writing to and addressing the school board. Our daughter was highlighted as �gifted� by the teachers, but there was no differentiation available (other than reading a novel during class) until 4th grade (and then, only pull-out). The school psychologist implied that she was �average� (her IQ test was 141) with the unfortunate circumstance of having pushy parents. We suspected then, and now, we know that she is 2E.

Since the district wouldn�t �play fair� and we wanted her grade advanced and moved to a school with interior walls, we were forced to leave the public school and move her to the Catholic school which accomplished both objectives. Although we would have preferred to put that money towards college savings while she received a �free and appropriate� education, it has worked out quite well.

Now we are on the fence as to what to do about high-school. Our local public HS is apparently quite good and managed by a different system, so we are once again hoping that the �free� (a relative term when you consider our property taxes) option might work.