I talked to my daughter today about her little brother. I am rarely able to talk to anyone without him hearing me and he is at a birthday party playing paintball for the first time with friends.

My daughter often calls her little brother and puts him on speaker phone when she is with her friends, ages 27-30. I always thought she was just kind of showing him off, but today she told me that her friends ask her to call him so they can listen to him because they think he's funny.

She thinks if he were in school that kids would like him because of his sense of humor. She says she is sure that girls would like him. She said she remembers when she was in middle school that the smart, funny guys sometimes had better looking girlfriends than some of the jocks. But she went to a city school and not a small town sports obsessed school.

A few weeks or so ago, her 27 year old boyfriend asked her to call her brother and ask him why there were so many people standing in line at Game Stop at midnight. My son said "tell E that it was probably because ? was just released and then tell him you want to know what he was doing out in that part of town at midnight without you." He puts on this act like he is the protective older brother instead of the 10 year old kid he is. They find it hilarious, especially since my daughter's boyfriend is about 6'3" and a bodybuilder.