Originally Posted by minniemarx
I think a keen sense of humour is on a lot of giftedness checklists because a lot of humour relies on the ability to see connections between seemingly disparate things; witty wordplay relies on a capacious vocabulary, while allusive humour relies on a broad enough general knowledge to have something to which to allude!

Yes! One of the stand out clues for us that DD 26 mos. was different was that she had an adult-ish sense of humor from as soon as she could laugh, and especially around 10 months. Somehow, our DD, as a baby, would laugh at things that were genuinely out of place, uncommon, or ironic. She wasn't telling jokes yet, but she saw humorous situations at a very early age.

Other babies would laugh at new things, like seeing the pillow on the couch, but our DD somehow seemed to be able to zero in on the incongruities in the environment at a time where everything *should* seem all new. We could not figure that out.

She is now cracking jokes, changing the words to songs, and showing off her physical comedy.