Hi Latichever -
I have some more ideas -
1) If you haven't already, sign your son up to take the SATs. If you can do this without any special preparation and he scores very high, this will open up lots of information that compares him with others. This will also allow him to take advantage of summer programs. If he scores over 700 in either Math or the old Verbal, he can qualify for SET.
2) It may be worth putting him in 6th grade math just to change teachers. How, exactly, is person going to offer enrichment if in fact the pupil knows more than the teacher?
3) You say he has virutoso ability in Math. This worries me. I reccomend saving words like virutoso for demonstrated ability, not potential.
Here's an online definition:
pl. vir�tu�o�sos or vir�tu�o�si (-s) KEY
A musician with masterly ability, technique, or personal style.
A person with masterly skill or technique in the arts.
A person with a strong interest in the fine arts, especially in antiquities.
Archaic A very learned person.

I'm not saying that some 10 year olds aren't virtuosos in Math, but they are already Masters, not in need of Mentorship and instruction, as your son seems to be. See the difference?


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