Hi Latichever:

I'm pasting a somewhat edited version of a reply I just gave to another comment, because I think it's relevant:

For your meeting with the teacher, I would ask how she is assessing for beyond-grade-level readiness. Some will say classroom observation. If the teacher says she�ll differentiate based on whatever needs she sees in classroom observation, ask what they do beyond grade level in class on a regular basis to really allow kids to demonstrate their abilities. If they aren�t doing anything, then you have to be bold and tell the teacher that classroom observation will not be enough, and that many bright kids who are bored with a task won�t finish it, and many who have gotten accustomed to work that is too easy will shy away from work that might make them feel less than smart. Also, going with her argument that other kids are "faster," perhaps all of the fastest kids need differentiation. Perhaps she should give all of these fast students an opportunity to be assessed for readiness for above-level work.
