Sounds like the school is on top of things. My son is level III also, I think, but I didn't keep track of those milestones with dates - ((pout))

When you say "pull - out" program - I think of a few questions -
1) how many hours a week?
2) multi grade or single grade?
3) does the pullout teacher help the classroom teacher jazz up the homeroom teachers assignments? (Differentiation?)
4) Are the kids required to do the work that is missed when they go out for their pullout? Just skipping it is good - a kind of compacting. Do teachers use the time wisely for review and helping kids who need it - or do they plan parties and special hands on learning events? Is it up to the teacher or does the school have policy on this?

From what I have overheard, A pull out program can range from a life saver to useless. Usually the level IIs and the few Level I's who get into them really get a lot out of them. Usually they drive Level IIIs up the wall, unless the Level III is a year or two or three younger than the children in the room or if the teachers are working together to extend the experience outside of the pullout hours, both is better. Our school doesnt' have a pull out anymore.

Bottom Line:
If the school isn't planning to do an individual IQ test, I would schedual one, not locally, now.
Best Wishes,

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