Hi asiral - I don't think anyone is trying to avoid you! I just think there may not be anyone here who has a good answer to your question. I would direct you to SENG gifted, which supports the emotional needs of gifted. http://www.sengifted.org/

As for looking for something that might be the right type of work, i don't know if that can be predicted on a snapshot of scores (although admittedly I don't really know much about scores at all). I would suggest you take a myers-briggs type personality test, if you can. Does the school you graduated from offer career services for alumni? Maybe you could ask them about resources for interview practice, or maybe they even can tell you where you could take the myers-briggs. I found it really useful after college, because it gives you a good idea of the types of jobs you might enjoy/be good at based on the test. Or, maybe your state unemployment offices might have some good resources for you.

good luck, and i'm sorry you're having a hard time finding a job. It is also possible it's just the economy. (I've been looking for work, too, with no luck.)

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Myers-Briggs_Type_Indicator (you could also peruse the m-b on wikipedia and see if you find your personality fits in any of the profiles. There are common occupations listed.)

Last edited by st pauli girl; 03/05/09 07:24 PM. Reason: added link