Originally Posted by incogneato
Okay, but if DD reads it, will it validate her, making her feel *okay* with her personality? Or will is simply inspire her to pursue exponentially more *shenanigans*?


Well, that's hard to say... I think I mentioned here before that the first book DS5 read independently was Calvin & Hobbes, so he could "get some ideas for making mischief" or something like that...

Originally Posted by st pauli girl, from last september
I have to report that I did find the calvin and hobbes books and read a bit to DS4 last week. This morning, he gets up and says, "where's that calvin and hobbes book? I need to look for some ideas for mischief." (And for the first time ever, I spotted him reading a book by himself - so i'm still weighing the positives and negatives with this one!) And last week at the grocery store, he quoted Calvin while he was sitting in the cart: "Mom, go really fast and then let go!"

Last edited by st pauli girl; 03/03/09 06:52 AM. Reason: found it