Hi Mom2boys,
I agree - you've done really well. Also, the '9th grade level' on the achievement test can be really misleading...my best understanding (Dottie, please correct me if I'm wrong) is: He did as well as a 9th grader would be expected to do if being given a test designed for 1st graders.

I think that your primary responsibility lies inside the working within the classroom with the Gifted Coordinator. In other words... come up with some ideas, and then get the GC to agree and work with the parents to get them to agree.

What do I think you should work on with the GC to propose? I think 'end of year' assesments of each grade level in Math and Language arts to see if there is a way to send him to a grade level Math class where he will learn. Alternative is to do an online self paced Math curriculum. For LA I would ask the parents what his 'special interests' are, and encourage him to write about those special interests and report back to an appropriate audience. If he loves Science, and you have the time, perhaps gather a multi-grade group of kids together to do a science fair project. If abstract thinking is his thing, then 'Odesey of the Mind' or similar type of program. I reccomend the book 'Re-forming Gifted Education' for a look at the extracurricular suggestions. Perhaps he would like to compete in a Spelling or Geography Bee. I think that Independent Study inside your classroom is something that no parent could object to.

Actually you could invite them here. You can change your nickname if needed.

Best Wishes,

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