My DS is going into 1st grade next year and I would pay seriously large volumes of cash to have him in your class! You sound like an amazing person and a fabulous teacher!

As a teacher myself, I would continue to find ways to stretch my curriculum to include him. I know 1st grade is tough. Do you have a computer in the classroom? Could he work independently on computer software for math in particular? Also- as for games, perhaps you can up the ante for all the kids and introduce more strategy games like chess, battleship or even Parcheesi.

As a parent, I'd want you to really understand how we are struggling with the balance between feeling challenged and happiness. Our biggest concern on a daily basis is that balance. If they're not ready to "push" him and he's not really looking for it or acting out, it might be okay to just give them the space they need.

I'd recommend a few books for you- Teaching Gifted Kids in the Regular Classroom by Susan Winebrenner and A Love for Learning: Motivation and the Gifted Child by Carol Strip Whitney; Ph.D are two that might really help you out!