My DS6 came home from school today with a friendship bracelet. He told me his gifted teacher gave it to him to give to whoever he considered his best friend. He gave it to me. Although it gave me the warm fuzzies all over, it got me thinking about gifties and friendships.

While all of DS' teachers agree that he's very social and gets along with everyone, they've also commented that he doesn't seem to feel the need to "get close". Meaning that he doesn't have best friends, doesn't sit with the same kids everyday etc.

I'm wondering if any of you have noticed the same thing. His gifted teacher told me that just like anything else, relationships take effort and in the case of my son he's entirely too focused on other things to put out the effort. Sounds reasonable I guess. At what point do the wheels in the brain turn away from math and toward friendship?

Mom to DS 10, DS 11, DS 13
Ability doesn't make us, Choices do!