Thank you for your response. We do feel he is gifted, but some of the scores on these boards are so much higher, that i was beginning to question if he fell in the gifted range.

The public school he attends will accept the scores, if i formally submit them. (They have seen them informally.) However, i am hesitant to submit them because they will become part of his permanent record. And, since i think he could score higher with some maturity (and loss of the test resistant phase he is going through), i didn't want to taint his record.

The county begins gifted screening at the end of second grade and the gifted program begins in third grade. The principal has told me that based on his current scores, he will ace the qualifying exams.

I'm not sure what to do in the meantime. The tester said he is going to be just as bored in second grade (if not more), because much of the cirriculum is a repeat of first grade. She said he may even "turn off" to learning if his intellect isn't fed.

The school said they will try to help keep his interest with varied projects, but i will play a major role (there is one teacher for 28 kids). Where do i start? Should i buy third grade homeschooling cirriculum?