Alright, so we ARE uptight about this issue!

I think the root beer float party was a delightful gesture on the part of your son�s former teacher! That strikes me as more of a �farewell and good luck� party rather than a �congratulations on your accomplishment� celebration. Perhaps I am splitting hairs!

My daughter�s 2nd grade class made cards for her before she left the school to transition to 3rd grade at the private school. It was good to know that although my husband and I had disagreement with the school administrators, there was no animosity directed towards her by the teacher or her peers.

Please send our (this forum�s) congratulations for your DS�s one year anniversary since his grade advance! He has faced fears and challenges and has now successfully integrated into his new peer group! That was no easy task, especially considering the lack of challenge he had experienced for so long, as well as, a transition from a public school to a preparatory school while skipping a higher grade!