Thanks for all of your insights! Dottie, do you mind sharing your DD14's LOG? I see your "what-if" questions as very valid concerns, and it might help to know how our kids might compare. As for "finally grouping" in middle school, I couldn't agree more that it should be done in elementary. In a normal school setting there might be 2-4 HG kids per grade level - problem is, the principal will split them up to be fair to EACH TEACHER so the test scores aren't skewed (thus making one teacher look better than the others). Never mind about what's best for KIDS! Anyway, that's why HG kids tend to be alone in reg. ed. classrooms throughout elementary. Middle school tends to automatically separate them out because of elective Advanced Skills classes and/or math tracks. That's one reason we considered Montessori for the elementary years - I feel like if we can get DD4 through grade 5, she'll be okay after that. Maybe that's wishful thinking, though?

Kriston - they don't do a GAI for the WPPSI, as the processing counts for much less on that test than it does on the WISC-IV. It probably brought her FSIQ down somewhat, but I don't think it could be by more than 1 or 2 points. Maybe Dottie has more insight on that...

Again, thanks for your comments - you've given me a lot to chew on!